Media Center


Media Center inside

The Media Center is a resource for all students in grades K-12. Media Center hours are 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. daily.

The center provides story-time weekly for students in grades K – 4th and bi-weekly for 5th & 6th graders. In addition to stories, students learn about and utilize databases and online resources for finding books and learning awesome facts.

Secondary School students have their very own section of the library for checking out the latest novels for free time reading. Students also check out literature books and textbooks from the Media Center for class use and during Scholastic Lab. Students may also use our computer lab during the school day with their class (by appointment) and also before school, after school, and during lunch. Students in grades 7-12 may utilize the tables and computer lab from 2:30 to 3:45 p.m. daily. 

Media Center Item Review Button

The above list is available for review of newly purchased and donated books for addition to the Horizon Honors Schools Library. 

Instruction Materials Review Button

The above list is available for review of potential materials for purchase. Please use the links in the document for details.

Occasional objections to the selection of instructional materials may be made by the public despite the care taken to select materials most valuable for the student and the teacher.  These objections may be addressed with a teacher or Principal on an informal basis for resolution.

In the event that an objection cannot be resolved, the complainant will be asked to complete the form "CItizen's Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Material" and email the form to marisa.walker at Upon receipt of a request for reconsideration, the Executive Director will review the work in question.  After review by the Executive Director, copies of the request form and the report will be sent to the administrator and the citizen. 

Destiny Quest

Horizon Honors' Library Database

Brain Pop

Username: ask your teacher
Password: ask your teacher


Online Encyclopedia

Username: hclc
Password: hclc


Non-fiction Ebooks

Username: hclc
Password: hclc


Science & Health

Username: hcms

© 2024 Horizon Honors Schools